Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Changing Religious Climate in the USA

The United States is a significantly less Christian country than it was seven years ago.Atheists and agnostics have nearly doubled their share of the religious marketplace, and overall indifference to religion of any sort is rising as well.

Remember the familiar map of American religion? The South: A bastion of white evangelicals. The Northeast: Cradle of Catholics. The Midwest: Nest of Mainline Protestants. The West: Incubator of "nones" — people who claim no religious brand label.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Robert Schuller, Crystal Cathedral megachurch founder, dies at 88

Today we see the passing of yet another prominent personality in the Church who’s impact on American evangelicalism will be felt for years to come (for better or for worse). My condolences to his family.

Schuller’s approach to ministry was as straightforward as it was provocative. “The secret of winning unchurched people into the church is really quite simple,” he said. “Find out what would impress the nonchurched in your community [then give it to them].” In 2008, Christianity Today quoted the megachurch pastor as saying, “You don’t try to preach … what is sin and what isn’t sin. A mission is a place where you ask nonbelievers to come and find faith and hope and feel love."

While I am already on record (in print) as objecting to his philosophy of ministry (to include his many other heterorthodox views), Schuller's was the face of Christianity for years in this country and effected more lives for the kingdom, arguably, than any other U.S. preacher (save Billy Graham). My he rest in peace until the day of his resurrection.

Sunday, February 15, 2015