Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pastors to take on IRS in plan to preach politics from the pulpit

As a pastor, while I certainly appreciate the position these fellow pastors are taking, and even agree with them, preaching politics is not the same as preaching the gospel (which is what pastors are called to do). We are to alienate and offend people by the cross, not by whether or not we endorse a Donkey or an Elephant who is for or against gay marriage or abortion.

Change a person's spiritual disposition first and their politics will follow.


  1. "The real question is: if it is liberty we seek, should most of the emphasis be placed on government reform or trying to understand what “a virtuous and moral people” means and how to promote it." Ron Paul (taken from his Farewell Address to Congress, Nov. 14, 2012 (yesterday)

    I always like listening to Ron Paul speak.

    Here is a small sample of his words in his lengthly Address:

    "If the people are unhappy with the government performance it must be recognized that government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom.

    If this is the problem all the tinkering with thousands of pages of new laws and regulations will do nothing to solve the problem.

    It is self-evident that our freedoms have been severely limited and the apparent prosperity we still have, is nothing more than leftover wealth from a previous time. This fictitious wealth based on debt and benefits from a false trust in our currency and credit, will play havoc with our society when the bills come due. This means that the full consequence of our lost liberties is yet to be felt.

    But that illusion is now ending. Reversing a downward spiral depends on accepting a new approach.

    Most politicians and pundits are aware of the problems we face but spend all their time in trying to reform government. The sad part is that the suggested reforms almost always lead to less freedom and the importance of a virtuous and moral people is either ignored, or not understood.

    The new reforms serve only to further undermine liberty. The compounding effect has given us this steady erosion of liberty and the massive expansion of debt. The real question is: if it is liberty we seek, should most of the emphasis be placed on government reform or trying to understand what “a virtuous and moral people” means and how to promote it." - Ron Paul

    You can watch and listen the whole Address here:

    Congressman Ron Paul's Farewell Speech to Congress

    And read the whole Address here:



  2. "The government-politic shall make no law respecting an established religion, or the free exercise theroff: The bill of rights does not restric a religion, it restrics the government."
